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8 Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning 

We all know how stressful wedding planning can be…  

As a wedding planner, it is my job to do the absolute best that I can possibly do to keep my brides from stressing.  

I have certain things I tell them all to help them calm down and have peace of mind.  

Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

Most of the time everyone gets stressed because they are overwhelmed from thinking about everything that needs to be done…  

Something that most newly engaged couples don’t know is that not everything has to be booked right away! Some things are 12 months out and some are 4.  

Everything doesn’t need to be all done at once.  

(NOTE: Click here for more info on when you should have things booked by.)  

Okay, let’s get to the good stuff.  

Below I’m going to give you my favorite tips that I personally use when I am trying to destress or calm down. 

1.) Write down your thoughts  

This is my number one thing I go to when I get overwhelmed.  

Its normal for you to get overwhelmed when you start planning, it seems like A LOT that needs to get done all at once.  

Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

If you write it down, I’ve found that it helps me not feel like I have to remember everything.  

By writing it down, it gets out of my head and onto paper. 

2.) Go for a walk 

This is always good.  

Get outside, feel the fresh air around you.  

Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

If you’re “feeling tired and unmotivated all day long, try dancing to some music or simply going for a walk. Even a short, 15-minute walk can help clear your mind, improve your mood, and boost your energy level.”  

According to HelpGuide  

3.) Practice mindfulness 

Practicing mindfulness and being more present and in the moment with change your mood and look on everything by 100%.  

Whenever I feel bogged down or overwhelmed I try to focus on what is right in front of me, the chair I am sitting in, the keys I am typing on, etc.  

Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

Being more in the moment is proven to put you in a better mood and lower your anxiety levels. 

4.) Talk it out 

Sometimes we feel just need to get something off of our chest or talk out an idea with someone.  

When I feel this way, I get ahold of my go to person (My Husband or my Sister-in-law) and just talk it out. 

Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

When a walk isn’t helping me come back to my center, sometimes all we need is to talk it out with someone closest to us.  

5.) Sleep On It 

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you just needed to take a nap? Yeah, me too girl.  

When you feel this way, do it! Go take a quick 30-minute nap. I promise you will feel better and be WAYYYY more productive when you wake up.  

6.) Jam Out 

Okay, I’m going to be honest… I do this one a lot more than I probably should! 

Whenever I get stuck on a project I lock my office door, close the blinds turn on my favorite jams and dance it out.  

Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

And I’ve got to tell you, it works every time! 

7.) Keep Your Work Place Clean 

When you start to plan you might have paperwork everywhere, some notes in your car and others on the kitchen table.  

Bring them altogether, keep them all in one place.  

Always clean your desk after you are finished using it, so the next time you come back to work on it, you have a clean space that is ready for you! 

8.) Meditate  

Last but never least.  


Ways to Have a Clear and Focused Mind for Planning

There is so many reasons to meditate, if you are wanting to clear your mind and focus more, this is a great place to start! 

When you think of meditation you might think of a bald guy sitting cross legged, but meditation can be done is all situations. You don’t have to be bald or cross legged.  

You can meditate while you are driving, walking, sitting, working… Anytime!  

It’s all about taking a minute to just be. 

Here is a great meditation podcast for beginners!  


As you can see, there is so many ways that you can clear your mind and help yourself focus.  

If you start putting these into practice and be more mindful of your mental state you will see a big difference in your stress while planning!  

Wedding planning is supposed to be fun, not stressful! 

Happy Planning! – London Wnek